Thursday, July 03, 2003

The Committee on the Prevention of Ministry

my least favorite people in the whole world: the CPM of Chicago Presbytery. hate mail is not condoned but nonetheless encouraged.

they are f***ing with my life right now, in a manner which is not approved. grr..

in other news, it's sunny outside today, finally. finally, finally, finally.

"Finally, it happened to me, right in front of my face, oh I just cannot hide it..."

yeah. the sun has come out, after the deluge of Tropical Depression Bill.

TDP dumped a ton of rain on us. a ton. literally. per square foot. well, a lot, anyway.

but now the sun has returned, thank goodness. it's about time something was cheery looking! after all, i've had a death in the family AND a Preparation for Ministry crisis all in the same week. honestly, who plans these things?

at least the worms are gone. from the ground--not the presbytery committee structure.

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