So one thing I've been thinking about is Commuting with God (get it? I'm so funny...haha, bad puns...okay, I'm done). What are some ways that we can turn the daily grind of commuting into a spiritual experience? I know there are the usual--things like praying for those you hear on the radio news; turning off the radio and driving in silence, just thinking/listening; sending up prayers for those drivers who cut you off; listening to music that makes your spirit sing. I'm sure there are plenty of others too--things that don't necessarily involve a traditional understanding of "talking to God" but could feed our spirits and connect us to the Holy even in our cars, on the train, etc...
But my daily "commute" (if it can be called that) is 10 minutes each way. I don't make longer drives often enough to make a regular practice out of it. So I'm wondering, from those of you who DO commute--what are some things you either do or can imagine doing while you commute that would bring you closer to the Holy, perhaps even setting the tone for your day or night (depending on when/where/how/why you commute...)?