Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Holy Week

It's holy week (or holy cow! week...or other words besides "cow"...).

In fact, it's Wednesday of Holy Week.

Two days down, five days to go.

Five days that include one Wednesday evening program (including a class taught by me), a Maundy Thursday/Passover service--a Seder complete with feast, and a communion service after (coordinated and led by idea how I'm going to pull that off), and a Good Friday service (partially led by me...all ready to go). Those five days also include cleaning my house, shopping for cat food, going to yoga class, getting my first pedicure of the season (thank GOD), watching Dollhouse so I don't get behind, toasting "bonus years" with a friend/congregation member (Friday is the day he will officially have lived longer than his own father), laundry, writing a meditation for NEXT Sunday, finding a catsitter, and packing.

Oh yeah, and writing a sermon for Easter.

Thank God for family who live in Southern California who will take me in when I need to get away and when I find a cheap flight.

And thank God for the San Diego Zoo panda cam.

Okay, I'm getting to work, I swear. I really am. No, really, look at me working...

Holy Week, batman!

1 comment:

  1. Not that you need more distraction but the Atlanta zoo pandacam is back up.
    Breath in God's mercy to you, breath out God's mercy to others.
    LOVE the toasting the bonus years celebration - perfect.
    All will be well. Remember to breath.
