Thursday, February 22, 2007

Gifts of Women

March 4th is "celebrate the gifts of women" Sunday on the Presbyterian calendar. I am preaching that day, we're having communion, and there's a baptism at one service. The theme for Lent is "abundance" (as in, God's abundance, abundant life, etc, not as in prosperity).
The lectionary texts do not lend themselves to weaving these two themes together, so I am going to choose a new text about a woman.

The question is, which woman? I'm actively soliciting suggestions. We do the bulletins on Tuesday morning, so I need an idea before then. Help!

1 comment:

  1. Well, there is always Ex.1 about Shiprah and Puah...households came about because of their willingness to let male children be born - there is abundance in there somewhere - risk, blessing, awe (fear - Shiprah and Puah held God in awe), God dealt well with them and the people multiplied....or Pharoah's daughter and Moses' mother....Miriam's song..Hannah...Samaritan Woman...Mary and Martha in John 11. Bit more than $.02 but hey.
