Friday, January 12, 2007


There's a lot going on here. Too much, some might say. It's been a busy January, and promises to get busier. In a nutshell:

--There is big change afoot in our worship life.
--The confirmation class has started and there are 19 youth in it! It's incredible...and will require lots of prayer for both the youth and for me as to how best to organize a year-long class into half a year, and how to give the attention they deserve to 19 different youth.
--Senior High Youth Group has started well...and is starting some new things, which is exciting. Among the new things: Wednesday night "Study Break"--hanging out with theme snacks; movie nights, and field trips (to the ice cream place!).
--I was asked not once but TWICE to lead a workshop at the Blackhawk/Chicago Presbytery Junior High Retreat. Sadly, the session retreat is on the same day, so that's a no go for me. I'm sure the session retreat will be great and valuable, but I really love the B/C presby JH retreat and am sad to not only miss it but also to turn down that opportunity.
--I'm getting ready to teach a class on Celtic Christian spirituality.
--I'm also getting ready to co-teach a class on the church in Africa using story and song. If any of you are or have been in Africa and want to share a story, email me using the link at the top of the page. Thanks!
--It's my friend Noell's birthday today. You should go wish her a happy birthday!
--My installation service is this Sunday, thank goodness. I cannot wait for this last hoop to be jumped through. I think the PCUSA makes this intentionally difficult/a lot of work to discourage people from looking for a new call. Not that I'm looking for a new call, just that putting together a commission and a service in a place where you don't yet know anyone and where the clergy population is gender UNbalanced is a nightmare--and I'm glad it's almost done. Plus, the cheesecake that will be had at the reception might make it all worthwhile.

--I still don't have any friends in this area, but I am working on it.
--I admit to not having finished a novel last week, but for the past 10 days I have been reading "Mirror Mirror" by Gregory's pretty good so far. Different.
--The choir's Epiphany party was huge amounts of fun.
--Today I've been reading all the magazines/perusing the catalogs that have piled up on my desk in the last couple of weeks. Some: not bad. Some: very bad.
--Ditto all the music for our contemporary worship service, which has been playing on my car CD player for three days now in my attempt to familiarize myself with our repertoire.
--Lesson: in all sets of resources, there's good and not good stuff.

And now I must go. I have a novel to read.

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