Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Advent Candles 2014

(NOTE: We have the new Presbyterian Hymnal Glory to God...adjust the hymn number as you need!)

Advent Candle Liturgy 2014
(Narrative Lectionary Year 1: Habakkuk 1-2-3, Esther, Isaiah 42, Matthew 1)

One:    In the darkness a light shines
though shadows lengthen, the flame burns bright.
All:     Day by day God draws nearer;
day by day we prepare.

Hymn 350: Keep Your Lamps, verse 1
~the candle is lit~

One:    In the depths of creation, God planted a vision
breathed it into life,
wrote it on our hearts.

add in week 2 (ideally a second single voice)
In every time and every place,
in this time and this place,
we are called to witness to real power, real authority:
Love made flesh.

then add on for week 3 (with 3rd voice):
God declares a new thing,
heavens and earth sing glory.
The promise is true,
and we are its messengers.

                                    then add on for week 4 (4th voice):
Do not be afraid:
God is with us!

All:     The Spirit calls us still to share the good news: 
light shines, and darkness will never overcome it!

(it's possible that we will begin each week with no candles lit, and light another between each voice...)

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