Friday, March 29, 2013


In the grand scheme of things, it wasn't a terrible day.

But in the details of life, it kind of was.
I'd been looking forward to one particular aspect of the day...a food aspect. I spent the whole week anticipating how good it would be, ready for that one taste and texture combination that would take me back to another place, another time.
I was ready.
It was not.
I figured the special would sell out, so I got there early.
Too early.
I couldn't wait...I work 45 minutes away from this restaurant, after all, and I had other things on the day's agenda. So I had to let go of the dream, the anticipation, the setting of the taste buds, and hope for another day instead.
I cried in my car as I drove away.
Yes, it's possible that was really about something else, but seriously, in the moment it was all about the food, or lack thereof.

The day could only go up from there, really. And it did. There were many good things about the day, some of which were not overshadowed by my intense lunch disappointment.

And on a day like today, all you can really do is drink your glass of wine from a nice safe cup--the kind of cup that doesn't tip over when you balance it on the arm of the couch (so you don't have to reach for it while you cuddle up in the blankets with a book). The kind of cup that isn't susceptible to the vibrations of the always-in-motion cat. The kind of cup that's solid and predictable and in no way disappointing.

day 38 of Lent photo a day...Maundy Thursday

1 comment:

  1. Oh, those tiny things that lead to great disappointment, and then provide us with the reason to shed the tears that to be shed so we can move on. Some days are just like that. I do hope you get the food you long for and that it is indeed, satisfying.
